Modular Synth
4U Modular Synth
This modular is a combination of early 80's Serge Synthesizer and DIY from Ken Stone/CGS, my own designs and various other DIY designers
My Designs
- 8 Channel Quantizer
- Radio Cage Voltage Controlled Radio
- Orgone Accumulator (2) designed by Jim Matheson
- Looping Gain Sequencer
- 4U Euclidean Sequencer (based on the Tombola design)
- Bits 12bit Bit Crusher (Euro version and Teensy4.0 adaper boards available)
- Voltage Controlled Stereo Mixer
- VC Timer (2)
- VC Panner (2)
- Quad VCA
- Yves Usson MiniMoog VCF
- VC Resonance Low Pass Gate (4: 2 slow, 2 fast)
- Triple Comparators/Logic
- Routers
- Envelope Follower
- Mic Preamp
- DC Mixers (2)
- Audio Mixers (4)
- Dual Voltage Processor (3)
- Dual ADSR
Serge Modular
- Variable Q Voltage Controlled Filter
- Variable Slope Voltage Controlled Filter (1 Serge and 1 RandomSource)
- Wave Multipliers
- Ring Modulator
- Triple Wave Shaper
- Dual Universal Slope Generator (1 Serge and 1 CGS)
- Serge '73Filter
- Peak and Trough (CGS)
- Random Source (SSG and Noise - CGS)
- Resonant Equalizer (2) (CGS)
- Phaser
- Analog Shif Register
CGS (Ken Stone’s Cat Girl Synth)
- Utility LFO
- Infinite Melody
- CV Cluster
- Divider/Boolean Logic
- Sequencer/Programers (2)
Other Designers
- Rob Hordijk Benjolin (board run by Frogleg Synthesis)
- Nonlinear Circuits Dual Chaos
- Nonlinear Circuits 8-Bit Cipher
- Nonlinear Circuits Great Divide
- Hexinverter MIDI2CV
- Hale CEM3340 VCA (2)
- Stroh Modular Pico VCO (2)
- Stroh Crossfader
- Frequency Central Stasis Leak Reverb/Delay
- SSSR Labs VC Divider