CGS Pulse Divider and Boolean Logic

CGS Divider and Logic

From the CGS site:

“The CGS pulse divider Boolean logic module consists of several parts, a pulse divider with integer divisions between 2 and 8, and several logic elements. The divider is used to generate interrelated pulses for use in creating poly-rhythms, and unusual sequences. It can also be run at audio frequencies as a sub-oscillator/sub harmonic generator… As well as the pulse divider, there are also five Boolean logic elements”

I built this from boards available at CGS, now moved to Elby Designs

CGS original page for the Pulse Divider And Boolean Logic

Ken Stone has discontinued his web site and moved information and sales of his boards to Elby Designs. All Serge designs that Ken made available (with authorization by Serge and royalties) have been transfered to Elby under the same agreement.